As reported, the mother (Darnell Hudson Donerson) and brother (Jason S. Hudson) of actress Jennifer Hudson were found shot to death in their Chicago home. Hudson’s 7-year-old nephew (Julian King) is also reported missing [UPDATE: JULIAN KING WAS FOUND MURDERED AS WELL]. William Balfour, an ex-husband of Hudson’s sister who was recently released on parol after serving prision time for attempted murder, was reportedly arrested by the Chicago police as a suspect.
This is yet another example of Chicago’s handgun ban failing to prevent violent crime. The handgun ban didn’t stop Kiyanna Salter‘s killer from having a handgun and shooting her. It did not stop this murder either. Indeed, the handgun ban has failed to stop all of these shootings, which have made Chicago more dangerous than Iraq.
Perhaps if Chicago didn’t deny law abiding citizens the right to own a handgun for self defense, Jennifer Hudson’s relatives would have been able to defend themselves, like this woman, this man, and this student were able to do.