My name is Eric Puryear, and in case you would like to know a little more about me, my biographical and demographical information is available here.
If you have any questions (except requests for legal advice), concerns or, suggestions for this site, or you would like to have a polite and civil debate about firearms rights, I can be reached by email at
While I am an Attorney at Law, I must decline to offer legal advice online, either on this website or through email. More information as to why I am not willing to provide legal advice online can be seen here.
Somewhat related, an article addressing the intersection of my advocacy for gun rights and my work as an attorney can be seen here.
If you are seeking an attorney in Illinois or Iowa my law firm’s website can be seen at
Just ran across your website while searching for a review of the Remington 11-87. I’m going to get one to supplement my Brownig Citori. Ok, I’m just buying a semi-auto shotgun while I still can. Your website heartens me. Liberty and those who understand and love it are not yet gone, despite the last tuesdays’ election results. Thanks for cheering me up.
I am lookimg to buy me and my wife our first guns, but how do i know what to get. Do I have to go out and shoot a bunch of different guns to get a feel for what i like. What would be a good starting point. thanks
Mike, This article may help:
This is for the operator of this site.please contact me ..want to share information. Thank you
My contact information can be seen near the top of this page.
God Bless you Sir, and thank you!
hey so i come from a family of hunters. about 4 years ago i had a run with the law because of some freinds but i was charged with the crime for being with them and got 5 years probation. now that i turned 18 and can finely get my foid card to buy a rifle my probation officer says i cant.? so what im asking is, is this possible? can they do that???
i tried to contact you but the page says “error page”.
also i think it would be great if you had a forum topic on what can affect you from owning a gun.
great site love it and thank you.
Your approach to protecting our rights is critical to winning. No one-party strategy can win in the long run, as is shown by our last election, power always shifts between the two major parties. Gun control advocates need to be respectfully challenged and they need to be educated. Don't forget there are pro-rights Democrats. See the Blue Steel Democrats in Oregon and the Nevada Outdoor Democrats – encourage pro-rights political action in BOTH parties and don't let any group that is invested in keeping the fight alive so they can fundraise dominate this issue.
The article above talks about a Memphis newspaper posting the names of permit holders. There are other articles on the web referencing the same, just have not had the time to go through. Thought this would be interesting and spark discussion.
Questions on gun registration.
As I look at the NRA/ILA Firearm Laws for Illinois, the matrix indicates that there is virtually no gun registration except for Chicago. However, with the pervasive FOID requirements, isn’t every Illinois gun owner, in effect, registered?
Wouldn’t we be better off, in terms of avoiding future gun confiscations, just buying in a state where the restrictions are not so onerous?
Thanks for your website and educational efforts.
My husband & I have two sons (8 & 10) and he would like to buy a handgun for protection of any possible home invasion. I am apprehensive somewhat because of the dangers with kids in the home. Can you pls. tell me what gun safes YOU would own if you have children I understand there are many types and I would like to look into the best and safest. The fingerprint ones I heard are very fast to open, are these recommended? He was wondering about a gun safe but if a burglar is in the midst of trying to enter your home, don’t these safes take some time to get into?
Get a Taurus Judge it has a trigger lock built in that is very simple and will not work with out a special key.
A fingerprint sensitive safe is probably the best way of securing the gun. I'd say a key operated safe or a lock on the gun would be a bad choice because;
a) you may not have the key with you in an emergency (whereas if you don't have your hands with you the gun isn't going to be much use).
b) a fingerprint sensor is quicker and easier to operate than a key or combination lock, especially under stress.
I've heard good things about the GunVault safes.
The fingerprint operated safes sound like a great idea for those with kids, as they are secure, fast to open, and easy to use in the dark. As far a particular models, I don’t have a suggestion as I don’t yet have kids and therefore have different security and safety concerns than you have. I would suggest talking to the employees at your local gun store for specific recommendations.
I think that your husband is very wise to purchase a gun for home defense, as home invaders can do terrible things when they break in:
Armed citizens, on the other hand, have a great track record at defending themselves:
Safely storing your gun, teaching your children not to touch it when young (and then how to use it responsibly when they are older), and following the rules of gun safety will virtually eliminate any risk of an unintentional shooting:
This may be a strange question, but what is the difference in recoil between a 9mm Beretta and a Glock .22 for a 105 lb. woman? Plus: how do you keep the kick from hurting your wrist?
If you are in the process of saving your life your hormone flow will keep you from noticing.
Your subjective experience with recoil between different guns depends upon a variety of factors. I would suggest going to shoot the guns and seeing what you like best, as even if I could compare those two particular pistols off the top of my head, my opinion might be different than yours. The following articles should help too:
Hope that helps 🙂
Thank you for a great website. I’m amazed that as a law student you have any time to do all you do here. Your suggested articles were helpful and I will re-read them as time permits (and I’m not even a student of any kind but a retired seasoned citizen). So much good stuff on the web to read, could do it 24/7.
Why is it now almost impossible to purchase larger caliber ammumition? i.e .40 S&W
Bass pro Shops are sold out, All on-line stores are sold out.
I understand your distinctions between accidents and negligence or irresponsibility. I also understand that accidents with (or rather negligent or irresponsible use of) such things as skateboards, irons and kitchen knives happen. Unfortunately the potential level of injury/fatality is significantly higher with guns than with other objects that might contribute to mishaps.
I also understand the desire of many to have access to a means of self defense in the event that it is needed. Is there truly anything in that vein that cannot be accomplished with pepper spray, allowing people time to exit a home and/or call the police ? I personally know 2 people who lost children to accidental (that is, negligent or irresponsible) shooting at home, but I have never known anyone whose children died from the accidental use of pepper spray.
Sue Rosselli
Pepper spray, is this some kind new skit for comedy central.
Thanks for the comment. My reply is below:
First, pepper spray, tasers, etc. are no substitute for a gun. If they were, then the police wouldn’t need guns either. I discuss this in greater detail here:
Regarding safety, if a gun owner acts responsibly, then the risk of children being injured by the gun is virtually nonexistent. Even with less-than-responsible gun owners out there, children face many greater risks in their every day lives (such as car accidents). Also, when considering child safety, keep in mind that having a gun can enable a person to protect their children, rather than having this happen:
Nor do I find it wise to count on 911 when it comes to life and death situation:
Susan So you only have pepper spray is this correct? Here is the deal you take 5 cans of pepper spray. Then you let me know where you are and how I have to go to get there. Please bring your kids and such along too. I will be more than happy to let you do you best or worst as the case maybe. Then for the next 5 days you are mine. I will be more than happy to let you write letter after letter asking folks to help you after I get there. My best guess is that you will beall for folks being able to carry a gun or anything up too an atomic bomb after that 5days
Great site. Thanks.
This is an excellent site. Thank you for putting it together with such skill. Referencing comment #20, with regard to the risks surrounding the co-habitation of guns and children in a home, may I recommend a superb book: "Gunproofing Your Children" by Massad Ayoob.
I purchased and read this book when my wife was pregnant with our first child. At the time, she was very uncomfortable about the idea of having a young child in a house with my guns, but after we read the book together, we agreed that following the steps in it would be the better path, and has made my wife a great deal more comfortable around guns and made her more confident that, should our child be presented with a situation where there was a gun present while no adult was around, he would be able to handle himself properly.
I was curious if you were interested in working together? We are developing a site around the news, articles, blogs, etc of 2nd Amendment world with a huge focus on community conversation. I see that there might be some benefit in joining forces.
Any way, food for thought.
Hope to hear from you….
I’m interested in hearing more about what you had in mind. My email address can be found above on this page.
I just came across your site while looking up information on how to own a gun after having been convicted of a Felony. This all happened close to 10 years ago when I was 18 & 19. One felony conviction was for useing a credit card I had found, another was for turning in a false reciept on an car insurance claim, and one was for writing a check that was bad. So am I S.O.L. on owning a gun for the rest of my life???
I must decline to offer legal advice on your situation, for the reasons discussed here:
My thoughts on the general matter of guns and convicted felons can be seen here:…
Good news today. Otis McDonald called to tell me he received paper work declaring the US Federal Supreme court has decided to hear the McDonald NRA etals vs. the City of Chicago case.
No date has been set however he said it will definitely be placed on the docket so that is great news. We will see how much stroke Dick Daley has with these Justices. JD
I have been reading a lot about the Ruger LCR and, have learned from your review of other firearms.Would you consider a review of this gun?
I think you have a great website that is well organized and easy to read so I am surprised that it does not get more visits and comments.
Anyways, anti-gun proponents like to point to countries like Japan that have low gun violence but they always fail to mention in comparisons that the USA is immensely bigger than Japan and is not an island… The logical conclusion is that it is easier to eliminate guns in Japan than in the US and still doesn't eliminate crime completely.
Also, the Japanese have a different culture than we do.
Do you know of any discussions on country size, culture, and other factors? Mostly I just see crime related issues but like Japan, size, and culture also matter.
Spectacular! Thank you so much for sharing your time and knowledge.
If a neigbor is using Electronic warefare into your house , and the effects are unknown and could include death, do you have a right to self defense agaist such weapons ?
Nice website. Good variety of information.
Regarding online purchases, I was in a local northern Illinois far west suburban large gun dealer one day having a look around. One of the men working behind the counter fielded a phone call. It was pertaining to costs regarding a gun transfer to their store. The employee was rather abrupt and rude, and whomever he was talking to on the other end obviously was rather shocked at the amount they wanted for the trasnfer fee. All in all the call lasted maybe a minute. You can imagine the impression that gave me, not only of this individual, but the overall store management philosophy.
The age of the internet and online shopping is here to stay, like it or not. That person he talked to on the phone for a short time will probably never want to buy anything at that store now or in the future, and will no doubt relay his experience to all his buddies. And my overhearing that conversation, now significantly lessens my desire to ever go back there and spend money.
Clearly employee training is lacking big time at many stores, gun related or not. Instead of dealing politely with someone and practicing good customer service, many places would rather just point the finger at the customer…their the problem.
Charging high transfer fees and being put off by anyone requesting such service, just serves to significantly lessen the chance of that person coming in to buy ANYTHING else down the road…be it a holster, flashlight etc. So small FFL holders move in and fill the void created by poor retailers.
The success of your business depends on you and how you manage your business and treat your customers. Thankfully here in the US we have choices…which car to buy, which restaurant to go to, etc. And so when faced with bad business management practices, we can easily go somewhere else to spend our dollars. And we do.
Thanks for the best contribution to
common sense, the rule of law and citizen responsibility I have seen in a long time.
I have another benefit of citizen gun ownership in mind.
Curtailment of unlawful, destructive or illegal government misuse of power.
Let me state the obvious. Shooting it out with local, state or federal officers over bad laws is not a desirable or productive enterprise.
In fact, armed political violence against governments usually builds public sympathy for government, even when political imbalances or abuse needs redress.
However. Just as an armed citizenry inhibits criminals, who modify their behavior to reduce risk to themselves, so do citizen arms
inhibit government over reach or illegal
actions. Face it. This country is in a collapse process. While the years of malinvestment, corruption and waste reach a crisis, the rise in the number of mostly bad laws skyrocket. As the national government becomes less able to deal with various problems, the more they pass laws and seek to usurp power, appear to be doing something. Scare tactics, "emergencies" pop up in increasing numbers.
Take vaccines for example. Possibly, new
vaccines are safe, and force might really be necessary to compel mass vaccinations, in order to quell a dangerous epidemic.
On the other hand, it's not hard to imagine a scenario where a "pandemic emergency" becomes
an obvious exaggeration, and the vaccine appears to have a terrible safety record, as with the gulf war vaccines that injured so many Vets. It doesn't take much imagination to see a federal "National Emergency" program being instated nonetheless, with local police tasked with implementing unpopular and possibly illegal forced vaccinations.
Local police are being downsized, and will be having to deal with increased problems like crime, homelessness, and social stress.
Do you think the cops will be eager to take people's kids from their homes possibly with armed standoffs, TV news drama?
Or worse?
And IF bad ideas like the one above become
more and more prevalent, and some desperate people become tragic examples, will that have the desired effect, of making citizens meeker, and more compliant with bad laws?
The IRS tried this back in the 1980's, selecting "tax resistors" for an "Example"
program. Some "Resistors" died in a blaze of gunfire, with the TV cameras running. Problem: Follow up showed that the "resistors" were often simple small business owners, with a few hundred dollar tax deficiency, or in some cases a refund due, who had been carelessly selected to have their property seized as a high profile example. Result? A normally placid citizenry jammed the phone lines of their Congresspersons, hearings were held, and the IRS was substantially put back in it's cage.
Bottom line? It's the guns. That cause
tragic incidents. That arouse a placid citizenry. That factor into political
schemes where governments considers just how much they can get away with. Considering those 60 million guns….
Personally I take insects outside & carry the Kimber Pyrotecnically discharged high speed pepper spray, as well as my CZ P01 when at work late.
I practice NVC (Non Violent Communication) to de escalate situations. I practice street smarts so I can avoid or successfully confront would be perps without harm or violence to anyone, if possible.
It will be a cold day in Hades when I shoot it out with the law, who I appreciate in their work to protect & serve, a tough job.
I pray I never have to shoot a lethal threat intruder, though I can & will if needed.
I don't expect much from the government, but I wish them the best. Even if they can just keep things from going downhill too fast until local communities can adjust to the sea changes the economy is going through.
And I feel a small comfort knowing that 60 million gun owning Americans represent a "Special Voting Block", when it comes to the worst that Governments or criminals can do.
I would be willing to bet that a lot of agencies and Politicians consider the "Special Voting Block" too.
As President/Founder of Citizens For The 2nd Amendment group here in Seattle, I want to thank you very much for your contribution to education and the truth of firearms and the ownership of the same. I have recommended your site to several of our members as well as other sites. The information is accurate and very professional. Congratulations on your professional career. I wish you all the best.
I have seen videos on disassembly/reassembly of different guns on this site,but not one on the Springfield xd,this is something I would like to see,since I just bought one,without a manual—-Thank you–Love this website—Jody
Thank you so much for such great information. I have ran across many web sites about gun ownership, but yours is the best I found that present information in a clear and well spoken language.
I really enjoyed reading your articles, especially the "why I own a gun" one. It could not have expressed better the way I feel.
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.
I was 'outside the law' through alot of my twenties & I can tell you for a fact that guns are stolen in small towns and sold in large cities.So limiting the sale for firearms to good people not only does nothing productive, it actually disarms the law-abiding citizens.
P.S. an NRA sticker on your door is better than an ADT sticker when it comes to crime deterance.
I wanted to say what a great resource your site is. I refer to often on matters of self defense articles and to catch up on any legal battles that I may miss on the NRA site.
Can only imagine the time commitment necessary is quite large. However, when you are passionate about something, time is no issue.
Please continue the good work. Thank-you.
After just spending a few minutes on this site, I am quite thrilled to see such intelligent articles on my rights and why I should have them posted in this current world of askew statistics and biased media. Hopefully more support from other firearm owners, as I will be in the near future now that I am legally of age to register one in my name, will help to give a positive and truthful impression on those that are misguided.
Pensioner killer, 68, to spend rest of life in prison after gunning down man … 38 years after his first murder…
"A pensioner will spend the rest of his life behind bars after carrying out a shotgun execution 38 years after murdering another man
"Ernest Wright, 68, had served 26 years in prison for a 1971 killing when he was freed on life licence in 1999.
"Despite his release he continued to mix in criminal circles and carried out several night-time burglaries, police said.
"Then, in March last year, he gunned down Neville Corby, 42, after bursting into his home in Bradford, West Yorkshire…"
Unlike in the US, were people have the freedom to bear arms to protect themselves, their families, and their property, criminals in the UK know that householders do not have the means nor the right to defend their property.
The fact is that when you ban guns from society the only thing you succeed in doing is leaving decent law-abiding people defenceless. The criminals remain armed because they don't obey the law, remember – when guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.
In turn this actually encourages criminals to commit more crime, as their job becomes much easier when they know they'll encounter no resistance from their victims.
After the murder of Neville Corby, the law should be amended to allow law-abiding people to arm themselves for personal protection.
First of all I must say i love this website. It is very intersting and informative. I could read all day. I notice you mainly focus on handguns and shotguns for home-defense. What about rifles? What are the pros & cons of using a rifle for home defense. What rifle(s) is most popular and which do you recommend? I was on the site the other day and I noticed you had information on a website similar to yours that focused on knives and impact weapons. What was the name of it? Thank you for your time and information. Keep up the good work.
I have a follow-the-money question.
My understanding is that when strict gun control laws are implemented, violent crime increases–but not uniformly. I'd expect that low-income neighborhoods would be impacted most heavily. If so, people in poorer neighborhoods would be more desperate to leave, and would be willing to pay more for houses in safer, upper-middle class neighborhoods. That should drive down property values in poorer neighborhoods, and increase property values in safer neighborhoods.
I'm probably not the first person in the universe to have this thought. Do you think that real-estate-market considerations are playing a significant role in the politics of gun control?
I imagine that would be more a secondary effect, rather than motivation, but good question….
Is it possible to hit a fly with any standard bullets? Wouldn't the air pressure cone push the fly away? Thanks.
Interesting question.
I would say yes, for just about any bullet (assuming really good aim).
Supersonic bullets would not have that sort of air pressure issue, as the front of the bullet will arrive ahead of the shockwave, so there is no such air pressure issue.
Subsonic bullets will be preceded by a front of air, but I doubt that air would be sufficient to move the fly before the bullet could arrive and strike the fly.
First of all I must say keep up the good work. I know that you are aware of the Arizona shooting tragedy. I think you, myself and all of your readers share the same feelings of grief and sympathy. Will you do aricles on this tragedy and how it may affect gun rights?
I recently came across this website while looking for information about various firearms. I'm happy to such an intelligently worded discourse on why armed defense is a personal necessity. An issue I have with most gun owners is with child safety. I know many people propose the use of gun safes, gun locks, and other safety mechanisms to prevent their children from making fatal mistakes with firearms. Unfortunately in a home defense scenario when most family members are inside the home sleeping, suprised, or otherwise unawares, these devices create sometimes fatal delays in bringing a weapon to bear. I understand people feel the need to restrict access to thier children, but I disagree with the current mentality of "don't look, don't touch" when its comes to teaching our children about firearms. I took a page from my father who, while raising 5 boys, never locked up any of his 4 (some fully loaded) weapons. That is to teach responsibility. My son (who is now almost 5) never even wants to touch my gun. He doesn't ask about, and its kept readily accessable and in plain view. The secret that my father passed on is to teach responsibility early on. (Pt. 2 Coming)
(Pt 2)
I bought my .40 S&W Ruger P944 when my son was 3. From the first day I owned it I have allowed him to see it, hold it (Unloaded, with the chamber cleared, and supervised). He has seen me load and fire it. He has even helped me strip and clean it. There is no sense of mysticism surrounding this "daddy only" item, and no sense of taboo. At age 5 he knows what its about and knows if he ever wants to see it all he needs to do is ask. I think that parents who take differing approaches by denying their children the experience and -not- sating that curiousity are doing their family a disservice by not teaching safe handling techniques from an early age. Now, having said that, I'm not a fool. I keep the weapon out of reach, its not what we call "hot loaded" (There is no round chambered), and I always have the safety on. But I don't feel the necessity to promote his ignorance of what the firearm is for, and what it can do. Quite the contrary. He already has a very adult attitude towards safely handling firearms and asks me if I've cleared the chamber after I unload it for cleaning.
Hello Dr. Puryear:
I made a posting error on your "Why I own “so many” guns" page. I was wondering if you would delete the first post and keep the second in place? Thank you for a wonderful website.
Lloyd Booth
I was charged with domestic battery in 05 can I ever have a foid card again?
There is this entire clamor to try the US soldier who shot up Afghanistan civilians quickly and execute him, never mind his having suffered a traumatic brain injury. Yet this Major Hasan, who shot up Fort Hood while screaming Allah akbar, still hasn't stood trial, and they are still debating whether he was insane, even with the clear evidence regarding his motive: slay as many infidels as possible.
So we have a soldier in a war zone who cracks, and he must be executed immediately. But this Muslim psychiatrist who was stateside in a nice safe office all day murders 13, wounds 29 of our own guys, and they try to argue the poor lad suffered post-traumatic stress syndrome, from listening to real soldiers who had actual battle experience. Two and a half years later, they still haven't tried the murderous bastard.
Great website,take the time to read some of our stories of self defence at give us your views/opinions at Tom Thumb.Thank you.
Good Afternoon Mr. Puryear,
Hello Sir, my name is Kevin Brown. I came upon your site while searching for my own. I have begun the undertaking of building a website specifically on the topic of pistol caliber carbine rifles. I read 2 of your articles, so far, and I liked very much your view point on Lawful gun owner privacy rights, as to when you answered your doctor's health survey.
The reason I am contacting you; with your permission, I would like to include you as a website link and a point of reference. Essentially, your site would be featured on my site a "cool site" for people to visit and learn more about legal gun ownership.
My site,, is a free site. I don't even ask for donations, my goal is education, in the respect to the pistol caliber carbine rifles.
I look forward to your reply. Thank you for your time.
Hi Eric,
In an article that I posted at HubPages, I linked to your article, “Racism, The NRA, And Gun Owners.” The article is about political theater for Second Amendment activists. Here is a link to that article.
If you don’t mind my odd sense of humor, you may enjoy it.
Hello Mr. Puryear,
As the Director of the International Firearm Specialist Academy (IFSA) (, I applaud your mission. Although we at IFSA do not teach Home Defense nor Concealed Carry courses, we fully support pro-gun rights and are pro-law enforcement. Ironically, I was also born and raised in the Chicago area, as well as having served as a Police Officer and a Federal Agent there for years.
Like yourself, we at IFSA do not fit into pre-concieved stereotypes. Our law enforcement staff members, including former ATF Agents, are members, life-members or benefactors of pro-gun rights organizations. We are a guild of active or retired career law enforcement offcers who are nationally/internationally known firearm experts. We are from the ranks of ATF, Chicago PD, NYPD and the South African Police Service. The CVs of our staff may be found on our website.
Our mission is to be the conduit that makes available, the ability to be “Safe, Accurate and Competent” in the areas of Firearm Safety, Recognition and Technology. We make this available to any pro-gun rights and/or pro-law enforcement person who is not prohibited by law from possessing firearms or ammunition. This includes licensed firearm dealers, collectors, Attorneys or any other person including law enforcement personnel, who handle firearms.
Other than the two aspects mentioned above, we teach every aspect of firearms, and the regulations concerning them.
If you should ever need a source of expertise in these areas, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our website will be getting a new look very soon, and our training courses will be online by Spring, and available for E-learning and accreditation.
Best Regards,
Daniel O’Kelly
Special Agent, ATF (Ret)
Hello Mr. Puryear,
Have enjoyed your insightful blog, I saw your information about the bed gun safe, I feel you should have some more information. When I was up in Spokane, I stopped by just to see how it was designed and built (I was visiting my niece and the twins another story LOL) I was very impressed, if the hinges are cut off there is a solid steel bar backing the hinges – so door will remain in place. The weight was incredible, so will not being removed from room, and the manufacturing was all in the area – so was all american made – glad to see.
I have been to Afghanistan, and Iraqi – The state department would be very interested in having these under their beds for weapon storage and protection from blast underneath the bedrooms. Makes the mattress more comfortable, no weak box springs to contend with (sagging)
I have bought one, so I will no longer have my safe in plain sight, and will be close to me at night when the bad guys like to come out and pla, I can have my toys ready for them to enjoy..
You may want to further investigate yourself, so you can make a more accurate observation. – The bed gun safe I feel is a great product – expensive yes but well made and I feel worth it compared to my other investigations of safes.
Thank you for your ear,
Eric, thank you for having this outstanding web site in addition to your firearms related practice. I grew up in Davenport, so your practicing in IA and IL caught my eye. I almost wish we still lived there so you could be our attorney! Best wishes and keep up the great work. Molon labe.