I would like to point out an article from American Thinker. This article discusses the importance of remaining vigilant against anti-gun efforts at the Federal level, despite the fact that President Obama has yet to push his gun control agenda:
It’s true that President Obama hasn’t advanced the gun control agenda. He hasn’t even sought a renewed ban on “assault” weapons. However, the idea that President Obama has more in common with Wayne LaPierre than with Sarah Brady is misleading. Remember the “bitter clingers” comment? Therefore, if eternal vigilance is freedom’s price, then complacency must be its worst enemy. The Second Amendment is under assault even as the Supreme Court seems poised to recognize the individual right it protects. . .
Inaction on gun control doesn’t make President Obama a Second Amendment loyalist. Inaction doesn’t mean that politicians and bureaucrats hostile to private firearms aren’t at work. Gun-owners will benefit from a dose of extra vigilance now, even while the gun control waters appear still.
He Hasn't "Publicly" advanced his gun control agenda… because I feel deeply that he's getting his henchmen in lower offices to do all the work for him. Lot;s of closed door meetings… I'm sure there's plenty of chance to try to persuade congressmen, trading of bakckscratching ys know.
We must remain vigilant. Our liberty is held in the balance. Re-read our Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence today just as a wonderful reminder of what our nation is all about. I am so grateful to be an American. For all our faults, it remains the last best hope of mankind.