I’ve previously discussed the ongoing drug cartel violence in Mexico, and the unreasonable attempts to blaming American gun owners for that situation. Recently, the Mexican ambassador has rekindled the debate, blaming the NRA and law abiding gun owners for that country’s internal violence and drug cartels. In the video clip below, Wayne LaPierre discusses the situation:
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It's really strange that only since Obama took office that the mexican government has started this crap with blaming us. I feel that this is a staged dialog set up by Obama who has no problem with illegals coming in and destroying our economy. If this was allowed to go to where our people said "Oh Ok.. we'll just get rid of all our guns and save the mexican people" the borders would be opened so fast by the administration that we would not know what hit us.
Thanks to EVERY law abiding and FREEDOM loving american who stand up for the truth here. NRA and everybody else.