Since today is Thanksgiving, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the visitors to this website for doing me the honor of caring to read what I write.In no particular order, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the following people who have made this website exceed my highest hopes for yet another year:
Those who have emailed me suggestions.
There are a few readers of this website who consistently email me suggestions for article topics. Some of these suggestions are links to stories in the news, while other are suggestions to write about a particular abstract reason to support gun rights. Even when I don’t end up immediately writing an article that directly relates to the suggestion, that suggestion may make its way into an article weeks or months later. -
My Wife
From preparing the delicious food that gives me the energy to write 🙂 , to acting as a sounding board for my idea and a proofreader for my longer articles, this website would not be what it is without my wife’s kind support. -
Those who have sent me emails saying that they have decided to become gun owners.
I get emails from individuals who have found this website after deciding to consider gun ownership. Unfortunately, many of these individuals have decided to become gun owners only after they or a loved one suffered at the hands of a violent criminal. While it is sad to hear about the losses they have suffered due to criminals, it brings me a great sense of satisfaction to know that my website is helping people to prevent themselves from being victimized by criminals in the future. -
Those who have donated.
A few people have made kind donations which help offset the cost of hosting this website. -
Everyone who has visited this website.
Although writing about gun rights helps me to hone the arguments I use when debating gun rights in person, the main benefit is having my writings read by visitors to this website. It is truly an honor to have so many people care to read what I write. Thanks for visiting!
I hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable thanksgiving!
Eric our wishes to you and yours for a happy Thanksgiving, JD
It's fun to participate in the growth process. We've seen your skills and opinions expand over the years and feel, in a way, we know you. Thanks for taking the time to keep informed all those who come to your website. You perform a valuable service, and that brings satisfaction to us all. A wonderful holiday season to you and your wife!
Eric: A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wife. What you have done and continue to do is so very relevant to our liberty and the 2nd Amendment; and we are grateful to you for doing it. Thanks also for responding to our questions with your wealth of knowledge. Here are some sobering statistics that were recently seen on a self defense show on TV: 71,000 Home Invasions, 98,000 Sexual Assaults, and 16,000 Murders. Thanks for all that you do and keep up the great work.
Eric; Happy Holidays and continue your good work. I'm looking forward to another year on LearnAboutGuns. I've told all my friends about your website.