Below is a call to action from the Iowa Firearms Coalition, regarding the Omnibus Gun Bill. I encourage Iowa residents to contact their elected officials today to help get this important pro-gun legislation passed.
We’re getting word the Omnibus Gun Bill is in dire straits. We greatly need your help.
It’s been three full weeks since the Iowa House of Representatives passed SF427, the latest version of the Omnibus Gun Bill. Since then the bill has been waiting for the Iowa Senate to schedule it for a vote. For three full weeks it has sat there, on the Senate leadership’s desk, and they haven’t lifted a finger. Nor will they unless we start making some racket.
IFC needs your help starting right now, and continuing until the final gavel falls. We’ve just activated a brand new Advocacy Campaign telling the Senate Iowans expect them to do their jobs and give this bill a fair vote.
If you can, please copy body of that message and send an additional email to the Senate leadership as well. Their email addresses are: mike.gronstal@legis.iowa.
gov ; ;; Tell them the people of Iowa (whom they’ve sworn to serve) expect them to give the Omnibus Gun Bill a fair vote. Most importantly, make sure they know that no action on this bill must be considered the same as them voting ‘No.’
We need you to help us make it very clear, the Senate’s actions (or in actions) in 2015 will not be forgotten during the 2016 elections.
If the Senate allows the Omnibus Gun Bill to die without a vote they’ll have made several points very clear to the people of Iowa.
- A track record of six massive by bipartisan votes mean nothing to them.
- The word of Iowa’s law enforcement communities means nothing to them.
- Protecting the privacy of a quarter million Iowans means nothing to them.
- Parental rights, and supervised gun safety training mean nothing to them.
- Stiffer penalties for criminals buying guns illegally means nothing to them.
- Legalizing suppressors, and restoring lost freedoms means nothing to them.
You’d think any legislator worth their salt would not want to be responsible for blocking of all that. But by now we know full well the Iowa Senate would rather follow its own agenda rather than listen to the people they’ve sworn to serve.
Please use our Advocacy Campaign.
We need you to contact the Iowa Senate the same way they vote in Chicago; early and often.
We’ve asked for your help a lot this session. But this is when we need it most. This is shaping up to be our final push to get SF427 the vote it deserves. If we do not raise the alarm and make our case right now the Senate leadership will be more than happy to brush our Second Amendment freedoms aside once again.
Please contact your Senator, the Senate leadership, and get your friends and family to do the same. It is do or die time for the Omnibus Gun Bill.
The final push begins now.