The ISRA sent the following notice about the pro-second amendment resolution meeting for Lake County,…
Category: Gun Related News
Attempted Rape In Oak Park, IL
As the Wednesday Journal reports, Oak Park, IL police are investigating a rape attempt. The…
Chinese Immigrant Stabs Bus Passenger to Death and Eats the Victim – while unarmed citizens flee in terror
As the Boston Herald reported, passengers aboard a Greyhound bus in Canada said that shortly…
Oak Park: Armed Robbers Continue to Ignore the Handgun Ban
As the Wednesday Journal reports, there were 5 armed robberies in Oak Park during the…
New Jersey Citizen Hits the Nail On the Head – It is a waste for cities to keep fighting gun rights
A letter by Thomas B. Carney, published in the Star Ledger, points out the ineffectiveness…
Citizen Shoots and Kills Armed Home Invaders In Self Defense
As CNN reports, Houston police said three or four people broke into a home in…
British Police Bust of Gun Smugglers Shows Ineffectiveness of Gun Control Laws
As the Times Online reports, a British based gun smuggling ring was busted, and its…
Chicago Considers Gun-Offender Registry – styled after sex-offender registries
As the Chicago Tribune reports, a committee of the Chicago City Council is considering a…
Oak Park is Short on Cash – but still has money to defend the handgun ban
As the Wednesday Journal reports, Oak Park, IL is short on cash due to decreased…
Bat Wielding Racist Assailant Shot in Self Defense
As the Wednesday Journal reports, a highly intoxicated man who jumped out of a car…