One of my hobbies is scuba diving. As a responsible scuba diver, I make especially…
Tag: 2nd Amendment
“The Founders’ Second Amendment”
There remains a lot of confusion about what the Second Amendment meant to the founders’…
Another Way to Ban Guns: Make Everyone Inelligible to Own a Gun
The NRA recently ran an excellent article discussing a newer gun control tactic, which attempts…
A Must Read Article in the Chicago Tribune
I’ve found that Chicago-area newspapers and television stations tend to have an anti gun rights…
Oak Park is Still Trying to Keep its Handgun Ban
The Wednesday Journal, Oak Park’s local newspaper, ran a story discussing Oak Park’s efforts to…
Civilian Disarmament: Prelude to Tyranny (Part 5 of 5) Video Clip
This is part 5 of 5 in the series looking at how civilian disarmament is…
Civilian Disarmament: Prelude to Tyranny (Part 4 of 5) Video Clip
This is part 4 of 5 in the series looking at how civilian disarmament is…
Civilian Disarmament: Prelude to Tyranny (Part 3 of 5) Video Clip
This is part 3 of 5 in the series looking at how civilian disarmament is…
Remember: There Are Still Elections Coming Up
With the November 4th general elections over, some people don’t realize that there are still…
Winnetka, IL Handgun Ban Repealed
As reported, the village of Winnetka, Illinois has repealed is 20-year-old ban on handguns, thanks…