When discussing gun ownership rights and laws, I’ve heard some people argue in favor of…
Tag: Home Defense
911 Home Invasion Phone Call Video Clip
This is the audio from an actual 911 call made by a woman whose stalker…
New Gun Blog Syndication Site: FirearmsBlogs.com
The firearms related syndication website FirearmsBlogs.com was started earlier this week. It features content from…
85 Year Old Woman Holds Burglar at Gunpoint, Makes Him Call the Police
As Fox News reports, an 85 year old woman from Point Mariod, PA was at…
A Response to Senator Ulysses Currie’s Anti Gun Rights Statements
In a community newspaper, Maryland State Senator Ulysses Currie called the Supreme Court “blind to…
Britain Needs Gun Rights – BritainNeedsGuns.co.uk
As I’ve previously mentioned, crime in England has skyrocketed since their passage of strict gun…
Gun Registration Bears No Relationship to Crime Prevention
Some residents of Morton Grove, which recently repealed its handgun ban, are now calling for…
How To Prevent All Gun Related Crime Video Clip
This satirical video clip has the solution for preventing murder, armed robbery, rape, home invasions,…
Evanston, IL Handgun Ban Repealed
As the Chicago Tribune reports, the city of Evanston, Illinois has repealed its handgun ban. …
Home Invasion and the Importantance of Firearms Video Clip
This video clip includes an interview with a woman whose suffered an attempted home invasion,…