Unfortunately, some of the most ardent supporters of rights such as abortion, free speech, and…
Tag: Home Defense
Gun Ownership is NOT Advocacy of Violence
I have noticed that some people, mainly who don’t own guns, equate gun ownership with…
Gun Control and the Urge to “Do Something” in the Wake of a Tragic Shooting
Often times in the wake of a particularly horrific shooting, politicians and even ordinary citizens…
Would-be Home Invader Unintentionally Shoots Himself to Death
Cameron Sands, a 19 year old would-be home invader from Fort Worth managed to fatally…
NRA to Sue Cities Over Handgun Bans – People from Chicago, Evanston, Morton Grove, Oak Park, and Wilmette Needed!
The NRA is planning to bring Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms lawsuits…
The Solution to Crime is Not a Handgun Ban, but a Hand Ban
Many gun control advocates argue that we need handgun bans in order to prevent crime….
British Bicycle Rider Gunned Down – Despite Strict Gun Control Laws
In another event which showcases the utter failure of strict gun control, a bicycle rider…
Why I Have a Gun
Some friends and family members have asked me why I have a gun. After having…
Self Defense: The Most Basic Right
Self defense is the most basic right that we humans have. It is a necessary…
“Gun Violence” Protests: Who is Protesting What, and Why?
In cities such as Chicago and London, which already have strict gun control laws, there…