Traveler’s Notebook ran an interesting article discussing things that are generally legal in the United…
Tag: Safety
How Gun Control Failed India
A few weeks ago, terrorists in Mumbai, India set out to kill as many people…
The Need for Concealed Carry – Without A Permit
I’ve previously discussed the benefits of concealed carry, and how concealed carry permit holders can…
Another Sad Story of the Police Failing to Save a Citizen
As reported, 21 year old Brittany Zimmerman was a University of Wisconsin college student who…
My Doctor Wanted to Know if I’m a Gun Owner
One of my hobbies is scuba diving. As a responsible scuba diver, I make especially…
A Different Kind of Gun Misuse in Oak Park, IL – despite the handgun ban
I usually talk about the armed robberies in Oak Park, IL, which occur despite the…
Hate Crimes and the Need for Armed Self Defense
Some recent news reports of hate crimes, across the world, underscore the need for armed…
Paranoia versus Reasonable Concerns
A while back, I was discussing gun rights with a friend, when the issue of…
“Gun Free” Oak Park Suffers More Armed Robberies
In keeping with the weekly tradition of discussing handgun related crime in “gun free” Oak…
Woman Sues Police for Failing to Protect Her
As I’ve previously discussed, it is a long since settled principle of American law that…