As reported, St. Louis, MO Alderman Charles Quincy Troupe’s ward has one of the highest…
Tag: Safety
British Justice: Shoot Criminals in Your Own Home and Go to Jail for Murder
In previous articles, I’ve alluded to the way that some countries treat people who defend…
Concealed Carry Permit Holder Sues Sheriff Over Wrongful Revocation
As reported, Meleanie Hain is suing Lebanon, PA County Sheriff Michael DeLeo for wrongfully revoking…
Shooting Blamed On Dog
As reported, Dale G. Barkstrom, a 28 year old man from Crystal Lake, IL was…
Concealed Carry (CCW)
I live in Illinois, which is one of only 2 states that has a complete…
St. Louis Abandons Gun Buy-Back Program
As reported, the city of St. Louis, MO has wisely decided not to run another…
Man Negligently Shoots Self in front of Family on Thanksgiving
As reported, a 30 year old man from Chicago Heights, ILĀ was with his family…
There is No Substitute for a Gun
A visitor to this site recently left a comment suggesting that Mace, pepper spray, or…
More Proof that Handgun Bans Don’t Work
I recently stumbled across a 7 year old article in the BBC, which showed a…
Modern Day Pirates Show the Need for Armed Self Defense
Piracy at sea remains an ongoing problem, as this week’s hijacking of the MV Sirius…