As reported, a 26 year old man was outside his apartment when three attackers confronted…
Tag: Victim
Armed Robber Shot by Pawnshop Manager
As reported, a pair of armed robbers entered the Central Pawn West pawn shop in…
Chicago Cops able to Defend Themselves – Ordinary Citizens not so Fortunate
Chicago is a city of double standards when it comes to gun rights. While ordinary…
Nashville Man Shoots Home Invader in Self Defense
As reported, a Nashville, TN man used his gun to fend off two robbers who…
Self Defense Proportionality
Legally (and morally) speaking, there is (generally) a proportionality limit when it comes to self…
East St. Louis Home Invader Shot in Self Defense
As reported, 18 year old Michael Holmes III and another person attempted to break in…
Another Meritless Anti Self Defense Argument (that is all to common in Chicago)
Criminals in Chicago violate the ineffective and misguided handgun ban on a daily basis. Often…
Having Cops Nearby is No Guarantee of Safety
Yesterday, I discussed one of the rather rare cases when police were able to intervene…
Favoring the Criminal at the Expense of the Innocent
As reported, Paul Stolarz was a 45 year old homeless man who lived in Chicago. …
Michigan Considering Allowing Concealed Carry on College Campuses
As reported, a bill has been introduced by Michigan state Senator Randy Richardville that would…