The video clip shown below is from a Columbus, Ohio motel’s security camera. An armed…
Tag: Why I Support Gun Rights
British Youth Gang Stabs Small Dog to Death, then Slashes Dog’s Disabled Owner with a Knife
As reported, a disabled British mother of three saw her Yorkshire terrier laying dead in…
93 Year Old Man Shoots Home Invader in Self Defense
Over the last week in particular, I’ve discussed cases of elderly citizens who have been…
Oak Park Armed Robbery Spree Intensifies – despite the handgun ban
As reported, armed robbers continue to plague Oak Park, IL, in spite of Oak Park’s…
Armed Elderly Woman Holds Home Invader at Gunpoint Until Police Arrive
As reported, a 70 year old woman from South Bend, Indiana called 911 to report…
91 Year Old Man Uses Handgun to Defend Wife from Home Invaders
As reported, Charles ‘Johnny’ Johnson is 91 years old. He has been married to Berlie…
Brady Campaign’s Gun Control Rankings
The Brady Campaign, an anti gun rights organization, has rankings of gun control laws in…
Woman Shot After Complying With Robbers Demands for Money
As reported, a Buffalo, NY woman was walking down the street when two men forced…
Home Invading Ex-Husband Shot in Self Defense
As reported, Marvin Oldham was shot twice, after he allegedly forced himself into his ex-wife’s…
Chicago’s First Murder of the New Year – despite the handgun ban
As reported, David Garrett, 47, of the 5100 block of West Potomac Avenue, was found…